Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The fundie in all of us

My last post was about fundamentalism, and I'm going to continue that theme. I said then, "Even fundamentalists don't like fundamentalists; they just don't think they are fundamentalists." But that begs the question, am I a fundamentalist? I don't think I am, but I know people with more fundamentalist opinions than me who probably wouldn't consider themselves fundamentalist. And I definitely have some opinions that are more fundamentalist than some. I think there's a God who actually revealed himself to some humans. I think he even took on human form as Jesus. I believe in an afterlife and a God who judges and shows mercy. I avoid fornication and drunkenness. I'm not trying to appear holier-than-thou; I'm just saying some of these things wouldn't make sense to a lot of people. And I'll admit I question pretty much all of these things, because they don't always make sense to me either.

It would be more accurate to say that I don't like fundamentalism than to say I don't like fundamentalists, because I have friends who are more fundamentalist than I am. But are they truly fundamentalists? I know I don't define the line between fundamentalism fundamentalism.

While most of us would consider fundamentalists to be quite conservative, can't some liberals be kind of fundamentalist too? For example, the people who oppose any public religious expression.

In what ways are you sort of fundamentalist?

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