Monday, November 13, 2006

A letter to God

Here's part of a letter to God, found in the book A New Kind of Christian by Brian McLaren:
I feel that I may be falling away from my faith. But then again, if I hold back from honestly pursuing the truth, wouldn't that be pulling away from you--even worse? If I let go of or loosen my grip on some things I've never before doubted, will I fall away from you? Or could I actually find myself falling into you?
I just started reading this book, and like this author's other books, he has a knack for writing stuff that I can identify with (even if I don't agree with a few parts). I think I could identify with this letter more a year ago. Then I was more afraid of falling away from my faith than I am now, although I may never be able to guarantee that I will never fall away from Christianity. While I'm less inclined to question the core of Christianity, I still ask questions and express opinions that seem to bother certain Christians. But it's better than just believing something because someone told me to. And I have found that some Christians are understanding and some even agree with me.

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