Thursday, September 06, 2007

A Tribute to Dinkus

Last year, my sister adopted a cat from the Wetaskiwin SPCA and she named him Dinkus. (That's short for Dinkus Maximus.) I haven't spent much time with the cat (for one thing, I'm allergic, although my sister has been cleaning him well, so he's probably less allergenic than the last time I saw him), but he's a very friendly cat. Of course, to someone who lives with him, he's needy. When my sister shows any signs of being awake, he starts poking her so he can get some attention. One time (or maybe more than once) recently, he started poking her when she was trying to go to bed, until she took him in her arms.

Dinkus loves to eat muffin wrappers and salsa, so my sister recently bought mild salsa (or was it medium?) instead of strong salsa so he wouldn't get as sick. When my sister's friend took care of Dinkus for a while, he managed to sneak into the closet where his food was stored and finish the bag a lot faster than he was supposed to. He gained a bit of weight then.

This gets me thinking of the nature vs nurture debate. Does the cat have psychological problems because the kids at school made fun of his name, or was he just born this way?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How exactly did the cat end up with that name? It's hilarious!

Does his level of salsa sickness depend on the heat of the salsa? The strong makes him sick...but the mild makes him less sick?? hehe. I can't make any snarky comments about this though-my dog is a vegetable fanatic. He's an old adorable shih-tzu bichon who loves spinach.

Does the cat have psychological problems because the kids at school made fun of his name, or was he just born this way?

He's a cat...I think they're born to have wierd, needy/stand-offish personalites depending on the moment. I house-sat/cat-sat three different ones last year and they were so funny!